Ramadaan 2020 Tentative Calendar
×Click the link on the right to open the Tentative Ramadaan 2020 Calendar.

Ramadaan 2020 Tentative Calendar
Ramadaan 2020 Tentative Calendar
×Click the link on the right to open the Tentative Ramadaan 2020 Calendar.
Click the link on the right to open the Lailatul Miraj Flyer 2020.
Ascension of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to the Heavens
When: Saturday 21st March 2020
Time: 7:10 pm
Where: 305 W Torrance Blvd. Unit G
Carson, CA 90745
Iftar will be Potluck. Please bring a dish to share if you are fasting.
Dinner will be served after the Program
Click the link on the right to open #FORLOVEOFMUHAMMAD CAMPAIGN.
Perform Acts Of Kindness To Allah's
Creatures In The Prophet's Name With
Kindly Invite Your Family & Friends To Do
The Same Especially Abroad Back Home.
Send Us Pictures Or Short Videos Of Your Acts
Of Kindness To Be Posted On Our Facebook Page
A Small Act Can Develop Into A Great Mercy
Let's Spread The Love All Over The World
For More Info : athiacarrim@gmail.com
Click the link on the right to open the FBI Community Awareness Program.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Community Awareness Program
305 West Torrance Blvd, Unit G Carson, CA, 90745
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Registration
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Welcome Imam Ashraf Carrim
Welcoming Remarks by Community
Outreach Specialist (COS) Diane Gonzalez
10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. VIDEO “CHASING THE DRAGON”
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Discussion on Chasing the Dragon
11:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m. Internet and Social Media Presentation
12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Cyber Bullying Presentation
Evaluation & Certificates
Click the link on the right to open the Lailatul Ashura Invitation.
Click the link on the right to open the Eid Ul Adha Invitation.
Click the link on the right to open the Qurbani 2019 Africa Drive.
Qurbani 2019 Africa Drive $125 Per Goat $805 Per Cow (7 Shares)
Click the link on the right to open the Lailatul Qadr Invitation.
Click the link on the right to open the Donation Appeal.
Click the link on the right to open the Ramadaan Calendar.
**Shab-E- Barat Will Be Celebrated On Saturday 20th April 2019 Starting at 7:33pm**
Click On Image Or Link Below To Launch Video
"Afternoon Walk" in Memory of the Former
President Nelson Mandela Of South Africa
Sunday 29th July Starting At 12 Noon - Program Followed By Lunch
(click "Download File" link for all the details)
Laylatul Qadr And Qiyamul Layl Program
Monday 11th June 2018 Starting At 9:50pm
(click "Download File" link for all the details)
Ramadaan 2018 Welcome Greeting
(click "Download File" link for all the details)
Ramadaan Time Table And Schedule Of Events
Thursday 17th May 2018 - Thursday 14th June 2018
(click "Download File" link for all the details)
Join us at IIT for this spiritually uplifting program:
Thursday, November 30 at 7:00 pm
(click "Download File" link for all the details)
When: Friday, September 1, 2017
Takbeer: 7:40 am
Salah: 8:00 am sharp
Breakfast: 9:00 am
This is a Community Potluck Breakfast - please bring a food dish to share with everyone
A special thanks to those that supported IIT's Qurbani Drive in Africa. For further inquiries, contact Imam Ashraf Carrim at 310.323.3786.
Please click the link to the right to read IIT's Hajj message!
Help our Muslim brothers and sisters in remote ares of Africa by making Qurbani through IIT. Click the "Download File" link below for all the details.
To make a Qurbani donation, please close this windows and click donate at the top of the page!
In this issue we talk about the planned purchase of a masjid for IIT, we introduce our new program - A Brick in Allah's Way, and we review Ramadan events at IIT. Click the link to the right to open a copy of the newsletter.
In this issue we highlight spritual events, our Human Trafficking event, and introduce the Hunger Heroes program. Click the link to the right to open a copy of the newsletter.
See the complete Ramadan daily calendar by clicking the link below!
See the Ramadan schedule of events by clicking the link below!
Click the link below to read the details of the Nisfush Shabaan program at IIT on Thursday, May 11 at 6:45 pm
Click the link below to read the details of Human Trafficking Information night hosted by IIT on Monday, January 9 at 7:00 pm.
Click the link below to read the details of Human Trafficking Information night hosted by IIT on Monday, January 9 at 7:00 pm.
In this issue we highlight IIT's international and local activities with Imam's trip to Africa and Sister Athia's address at the 30th Interfaith World Peace Day Service! Click the link to the right to open a copy of the newsletter.
Join us at IIT for this spiritually uplifting program:
Saturday, December 10 at 7:00 pm
(click "Download File" link for all the details)
Alondra Park
3850 Manhattan Beach Blvd · Lawndale CA 90260
Sunday, October 16, 2016
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Put on your walking shoes and hat, slap on some sunscreen, load the kid’s bikes and ball, charge the camera, load the picnic gear, cook a food dish and come and join Us with family and friends
For further information, call (310) 323-3786
Eid-ul-Adha & Community Potluck Breakfast
Monday 12th September 2016
Takbeer: 7:30 am
Salah: 8:00 am
Breakfast: 9:00 – 11:00 am
Please make sure that you have done your Sacrifice (Qurbani), please do so today by check, cash, or in person. IIT will ensure that your Qurbani reaches Muslims in most need of it in Africa.
Please bring along a food dish that celebrates your cultural eating practice on Eid day. Join us for a sumptuous spread of different foods, make new friends, and enjoy a morning of socializing. Contact the office for your Donation of the Potluck Dish you will be bringing.
For more information call (310) 323-3786 or visit www.iitusa.org
In this issue we cover the our Feed the Homeless program, Hajj - the Pilgrimage to Mecca, and bring you in on our efforts to go high tech! Click the link to the right to open a copy of the newsletter.
Help our Muslim brothers and sisters in remote ares of Africa by making Qurbani through IIT. Click the "Download File" link below for all the details.
To make a Qurbani donation, please close this windows and click donate at the top of the page!
See our ad in the Pakistan Link Eid 2016 edition by clicking the following link
In this issue we cover the Holy Month of Ramadan, our Interfaith Iftar, and Lailatul Qadr among other things. Click the link to the right to open a copy of the newsletter.
In this issue we highlight the Marrakech Declaration. We also talk about preparation for Ramadan and updated you with highlights of IIT's activities.
Click the link to the right to open a copy of the newsletter.
International Institute of Tolerance (IIT) was founded on the principle of Justice and Equity
The International Institute of Tolerance was founded on the principle of Justice and Equity. Its services are religious and charitable, and grounded in the Islamic faith. One of the principle aims of the Institute is to integrate Muslim Americans into our pluralistic American society. The Institution is focused on working in harmony with other faith groups and civic organizations to enhance our collective futures. The Institute provides religious, educational, and social services to advance justice and promote compassion. Outside its religious services, the Institute’s charitable intent can be found in its outreach program. This is the essence of the Islamic value system which drives the Institute’s role and functions.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) declared:
None is a true believer until he wants for his fellow human being what he wants for himself
Driven by this declaration, IIT founded its Feed the Homeless program in Ramadan 2007, serving 125 cold meals once a month. Members congregated at the Center after the Fajr Salah, prepared the sandwiches, made meal bags including sandwiches, water, banana, and muffin.
Today, IIT is proud to announce that we serve over 1,200 hot meals a month to the homeless community downtown by partnering with Los Angeles Mission. Instead of coldcut sandwiches, we now cook chicken curry and rice, and serve a meal package twice a month!
Our Building Bridges program is driven by the command of the Qur’an
“O Mankind! We have created you from a single soul male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another”. [49:13]
IIT offers a variety of programs; religious, educational, and social to advance the well-being of our community. These include daily congregational prayers, Friday sermons, Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan, observance of Spiritual Nights every Thursday Nights, Qaderi Khatam every alternate Friday night, festivities, special prayer services, counseling, marriage, and burial rites. Under the leadership of the Imam Qari Ashraf Carrim, IIT ensures the spiritual well-being of its congregation. We offer spiritual, family, marriage, stress, and grief counseling, and undertake hospital visits for the sick. IIT also offers DCFS interpreter services for Muslim clients, and regularly refers members to agencies to seek help that cannot be given by us. We also issue quarterly Newsletters for the benefit of the community. IIT also supports local businesses of our congregants in our area.
IIT offers a variety of programs; religious, educational, and social to advance the well-being of our community
Take advantage of all we have to offer!
► Daily Congregational Prayers
► Jummah Prayers
► Taraweeh
► Observance of Big Nights
► Nazira Classes
► Saturday Islamic Classes for Children
► Adult Qur’an Reading Classes
► Professional Counseling
► Funeral Rites and Arrangement
► Marriage Services
► Darood Naariyah (weekly) after Isha Prayer
Children's Nazira classes held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
Religious classes for children held every Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm
Spiritual programs for the general public include Muharram, Rabi-ul-Awwal, Rabi-ul-Aakhir, Meiraj, Nisf Shabaan, and Ramadan