• Masjid Events

Prayer Timings


  • Fajar
    06:00 AM
  • Duhar
    02:00 PM
  • Asr
    05:45 PM
  • Maghrib
    07:40 PM
  • Isha
    09:05 PM
  • Friday Prayer 1
    01:30 PM
  • Friday Prayer 2
    02:30 PM

About Us

Assalamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you),

(  عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهم عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ خَيْرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ الْقُرْآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُ … )

“The best among you are those who learn the Quran and those who teach it.”–Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).  

Welcome to Sammamish and Sammamish Mosque! We are the local mosque (Masjid) located in the heart of Sammamish and serving both Issaquah and Sammamish. Alhamdulillah, we are a growing community of Muslims from diverse backgrounds working together to strengthen our faith and foster our community.

We know ummah need.

Our Mission

Alhamdulillah, Sammamish Mosque (Masjid) was founded to offer a place for the Eastside Seattle Muslim communities to:

  • Congregate for prayers (daily, Jumuah, Taraweeh, and Eid),
  • Educate congregants and the youth about Quran and Islam,
  • Foster a sense of community among congregants and neighbors.

The mosque is governed by the Sammamish Muslim Association (SMA) Board of Directors and Board of Trustees.

Our Story

In 2002, four community members founded Sammamish Muslim Association and rented various facilities to congregate for prayers until 2010, when Allah (SWT) blessed the community to purchase the current property.  Our Masjid sits in the heart of Sammamish with plenty of green areas on both North and East and Pine Lake towards South West.  It is in a residential area and is close to several local schools.

To make the best use of the property, we built a parking lot in 2014. In 2016, we did minor remodeling to create additional space for our congregation, and hired an esteemed Imam, Sheikh Nabil Sallam.  As a result, we are now able to offer many Islamic education programs and have started getting our community together more often.  These activities have led to a significant increase in congregants attending prayer (Salat) at the Masjid.  And to accommodate our continued growth, we are planning on significant remodeling in 2017 also Insha’Allah.

This successful story is possible only due to Allah’s blessings, the community’s hard work, and the wisdom of the leadership.  Since its founding, SMA board of directors and trustees have relied on the Holy Quran as our guide and followed the just, moderate, and balanced view of Islam as Allah mandates in the Quran.

Join Us

Allah has blessed us with many ways to connect:

  • 5 times a day for prayer at the Masjid, as well as Jumuah, Taraweeh, and Eid prayers,
  • Educational programs for youth and adults (e.g. Sunday School, Quran recitation classes),
  • Social events (e.g. community picnics, youth groups),
  • Community programs (e.g. meeting with the local school board),
  • Opportunities to contribute your time, your talent and your resources to strengthen your community and to earn rewards from Allah (swt).

We communicate via email and Facebook. If you have not connected with us yet, please register here and Like our Facebook Page to get updates.  More details about contacting us are here.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan (May Allah reward you with goodness)
Sammamish Muslim Association Board of Directors


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Our Services
Service One

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Service Two

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Service Three

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Contact Us

Get in touch with us

Send us an email or visit us at:

Sammamish Muslim Association
22011 SE 20th Street, Sammamish, Washington 98075, USA

Phone: (972) 310-8065
E-mail: osamabilal@smamosque.org