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Masjid Security

Masjid Security

Become A Monthly Donor

Support your Masjid, Beautify your Aakhira

Masjid Operations-Sadaqa Jariyah

Support the Masjid day to day operations


$15 per person (minimum) including Children

Austin Cemetry Services

Supporting the maintenance and care of the cemetery and graves, covering janazah, preparation of the body and burial costs


Zakat Ul Maal

Masjid Loan Payoff

Make GIC Debt Free

Sadaqa For Needy

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Darul Uloom Austin-Education

Darul Uloom Austin

Community-Youth Activities

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Ramadan 2025 Iftar-Dinner Sponsorship

Ramadan Iftar and Dinner Sponsorship

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Choose or Enter Amount

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First payment *
Please note: You will incur a $1 charge if the recurring start date is not current date in order to verify the payment details provided. This charge will not be credited back to your account and you will receive a test transaction receipt for this amount.

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11 Total
Masjid Security

Masjid Security

Become A Monthly Donor

Support your Masjid, Beautify your Aakhira

Masjid Operations-Sadaqa Jariyah

Support the Masjid day to day operations


$15 per person (minimum) including Children

Austin Cemetry Services

Supporting the maintenance and care of the cemetery and graves, covering janazah, preparation of the body and burial costs


Zakat Ul Maal

Masjid Loan Payoff

Make GIC Debt Free

Sadaqa For Needy

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Darul Uloom Austin-Education

Darul Uloom Austin

Community-Youth Activities

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Ramadan 2025 Iftar-Dinner Sponsorship

Ramadan Iftar and Dinner Sponsorship