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Masjid Donation

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Annual Fundraising 2025

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White Board

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Book Shelves

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Vending Machine

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Snacks For VM

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Conference Table

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Conference Room Chairs

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Water Fridge

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Air Hockey Table

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Wired metal shelving

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Folding Tables

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Folding Chairs

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Coffee Vending Machine

empty text

Fridge For Youth

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empty text

Storage Bins

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Furniture Couches

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Tension Rods

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Tables and Chair for Ramadan Iftar

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Digital Sign

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Business Advertisement

Start benefiting from promoting your business with us! Gain visibility and recognition within our community. Your generous donation will significantly impact the Quran Memorization program at the Al-Quds Devotion School. To ensure the best display on our TV, we recommend using a landscape image for your flyer, ideally sized at 1920px by 1080px.

Zakat Almal

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Social Committee

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Quran Hifz - Quds Program

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Funeral Services

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school and after hours

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empty text

Youth Committee

empty text

College Fund

Donate where education pays off!

WCMA Bookstore

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته المسجد يدعوكم للمشاركة في الاجر لإنشاء مكتبة لشراء كتب قيمة يستفيد منها الجالية كصدقة جارية تتضمن كتب علمية، إسلامية، ادبية، وثقافية و غيره للكبار و الشباب و الصغار باذن الله The WCMA masjid invites you to participate in the reward of establishing a library and purchasing valuable books that will benefit the community as an ongoing charity, insha ALLAH. This includes scientific, Islamic, literary, cultural, and other books for adults, youth, and children.

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Please note: You will incur a $1 charge if the recurring start date is not current date in order to verify the payment details provided. This charge will not be credited back to your account and you will receive a test transaction receipt for this amount.

Preview Page

Pinned Categories

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All Categories

32 Total
Masjid Donation
Annual Fundraising 2025
White Board
Book Shelves
Vending Machine
Snacks For VM
Conference Table
Conference Room Chairs
Water Fridge
Air Hockey Table
Wired metal shelving
Folding Tables
Folding Chairs
Coffee Vending Machine
Fridge For Youth
Storage Bins
Furniture Couches
Tension Rods
Tables and Chair for Ramadan Iftar
Digital Sign
Business Advertisement
Zakat Almal
Social Committee
Quran Hifz - Quds Program
Funeral Services
school and after hours
Youth Committee
College Fund
WCMA Bookstore