152 E Steels Corners Rd., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44224, USA
If you have problem with membership, please email to info@isak.org
WHO SHOULD BECOME A MEMBER? A Muslim patron of The Islamic Society of Akron and Kent, 16 years or older, should consider becoming a member. WHY SHOULD I BECOME A MEMBER? Membership to ISAK is not only a civic duty, but also affords the following privileges: >>Discounted tuition for Faith Islamic Academy and Sunday School. >>Right to vote in ISAK General Elections and be nominated to the Board of Directors/Board of Trustees (see below for details). >>Discounted rates for facility rentals WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GENERAL MEMBER AND AN ACTIVE MEMBER? General membership is awarded to any Muslim patron of ISAK with payment of annual membership fee. The Active Member status is achieved upon completion of one year as a General Member in good standing and renewal of membership. WHEN IS THE MEMBERSHIP FEE DUE? We encourage you to pay the membership fee by March 31, to avail the various benefits. Membership renewals submitted by June 30 also allows you to participate in the annual ISAK General Elections as a voter/eligible office holder (restrictions apply).
Membership Start Date:
Membership End Date:
Membership Join Date: 03/15/2025
Since you purchased free Ticket No Payment Required.