
Category *
Category Description
Masjid Operations Masjid Donations
Ramadan Daily 1K Donation This is for the daily $1000 donation challenge. Your name will be added to the 5K poster.
Campus Expansion ISCJ Campus Infrastructure
Masjid Ramadan Iftar Donation for the Iftar food and supplies.
Zakat Ul-Fitr Min 12 Per Person Minimum $12 per person
My Daily Ramadan Donation Daily donation for the dates you have entered.
Vendors Vendors for various events hosted by ISCJ
NIkkah - Marriage Fees Fees for conducting Marriage/Nikkah
NUI Parents ONLY Membership Dues This payment is for NUI Parents ISCJ member dues. ENTER SPOUSE NAME in the comments is MANDATORY.
Annual Family Membership Dues This payment is for ISCJ membership dues. Entering your name and your SPOUSE NAME in the comments section is MANDATORY.
Annual Senior 65 Plus Membership This payment is for ISCJ membership dues. $200 for Senior Family $100 for Senior Single
Annual Single Membership This payment is for ISCJ membership dues.
Students 18 To 25 Years Membership This payment is for ISCJ membership dues.
Choose or Enter Amount
Select Frequency

Transaction Schedule

First payment *
Please note: You will incur a $1 charge if the recurring start date is not current date in order to verify the payment details provided. This charge will not be credited back to your account and you will receive a test transaction receipt for this amount.

Payment Methods
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Google Pay
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Since you purchased free Ticket No Payment Required.

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