320 Fabry Terrace, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666, USA
Following fees are due at the time of submitting application, one time registration fee: $50. Annual Fee: $120. Then onward $120 per year or $10 per month. Please submit copy of your driver license either by email (to administrator@darulislah.org), postal mail or in person. Please provide one or two references of current Darul Islah members.
In the name of Allah Subhanau WaTaala (SWT), the Beneficial, the Merciful. With ALLAH (SWT) as my witness, I affirm that
1. There is no one to be worshiped except ALLAH (SWT) and Muhammad (peace be upon him), son of Adbullah Al-Hashim of, Arabia, Makkah is His last and final messenger and prophet. 2. I Shall abide by the Quran and Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (peach be upon him).
3. I do hereby pledge that I shall fully abide by the provisions of Darul Islah's and by laws as they exist and as amended.
4. I agree to pay $50 initial fee and an annual membership fee as determined by Darul Islah's Executive Committee.
5. By submitting this application electronically I confirm my electronic signature equivalent to paper signature.
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Membership Join Date: 03/13/2025
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