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Masjid Donation - Sadaqa

Sadaqa and masjid donations help support the maintenance and operational costs of the mosque, including building upkeep, utility expenses, and community programs. These contributions are essential for sustaining the mosque’s day-to-day operations.

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Zakat Al-Mal

Zakat al-Mal is designated for the eligible categories outlined in Islamic law, such as the poor, the needy, and those in debt. It is important to note that zakat is generally not used for the masjid’s operations or upkeep.

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Please note: You will incur a $1 charge if the recurring start date is not current date in order to verify the payment details provided. This charge will not be credited back to your account and you will receive a test transaction receipt for this amount.

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Masjid Donation - Sadaqa

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Zakat Al-Mal