Masjid Bilal Canton

Masjid Bilal Canton

Masjid Bilal Running Expenses

Organized By:Masjid Bilal Canton


28% of $90,000 goal


145Recurring Contributors

$24,953 of $90,000

Our Masjid Our Responsibility

Alhamdulillah, Masjid has been running successfully with the help of Allah and the generous and supportive community.  Listed underneath are the expected annual expenses that Masjid needs to fulfill annually.

We need 284 persons donating at least $250 per year.  That is only 68 cents per day OR  $21 per month!

Inshall’Allah these expenses are not difficult to meet, if the community works together to fulfill them.  By pledging these funds from the community, we will be able to meet these expenses. 


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