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Sustaining members commit themselves to donating a certain amount on a regular monthly basis. Please remember to select the "Monthly" option when entering your donation below. 'The most beloved of deeds to Allah are the most consistent of them' [Al-Bukhari]
Fall/Winter 2024-2025 October 2024 -February 2025 (5 months total); Program Cost: $200 per child ($40/month). Please pay as one time ($200) or monthly ($40/month for 5 months)
"Embroidery Saturdays with a Sip of Green Tea"- Program Cost: $15/session. "Embroidery Sundays" for children 7+- Program Cost: Program Cost: $15/session
Urdu Story Time for Children- Program Cost: $20/session. 'Going Green with Mommy and Me' Playdate- Program Cost: $20/session.
$90/month for each registrant
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