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Ramadan 2025 Fundraiser

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Iftar And Dinner Fund

The Iftar and Dinner Fund is used for the purchase and logistics of food prep in the month of Ramadan, for the iftars served on Mondays and Thursdays, and for special iftar/dinner events such as the Day of Arafah dinner.

General Donations - Sadaqah

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Islamic Education Fund

The "Islamic Education Fund" is a dedicated donation category aimed at empowering individuals to contribute towards the enrichment and sustenance of Islamic education programs at PGMA. This fund serves as a means for community members to support and strengthen initiatives focused on Qura'nic education and religious studies and allows PGMA to offer the most valuable Qur'an and Islamic Education programs in the highest quality and lowest cost possible.

Social Services

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Youth Programs

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Special Needs And Disability Programs

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Capital Improvements

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Janazah Donation

Your generous donations to the Janazah fund help us provide assistance to families who cannot afford Janazah services.

Sunday School Payments

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Kitchen Catering

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Please note: You will incur a $1 charge if the recurring start date is not current date in order to verify the payment details provided. This charge will not be credited back to your account and you will receive a test transaction receipt for this amount.

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Ramadan 2025 Fundraiser

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Iftar And Dinner Fund

The Iftar and Dinner Fund is used for the purchase and logistics of food prep in the month of Ramadan, for the iftars served on Mondays and Thursdays, and for special iftar/dinner events such as the Day of Arafah dinner.

General Donations - Sadaqah

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Islamic Education Fund

The "Islamic Education Fund" is a dedicated donation category aimed at empowering individuals to contribute towards the enrichment and sustenance of Islamic education programs at PGMA. This fund serves as a means for community members to support and strengthen initiatives focused on Qura'nic education and religious studies and allows PGMA to offer the most valuable Qur'an and Islamic Education programs in the highest quality and lowest cost possible.

Social Services

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Youth Programs

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Special Needs And Disability Programs

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Capital Improvements

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Janazah Donation

Your generous donations to the Janazah fund help us provide assistance to families who cannot afford Janazah services.

Sunday School Payments

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Kitchen Catering

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