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Pinned Categories
3 Total
Masjid Donation

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Fundraiser- Masjid Expenses

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All Categories
6 Total
Zakat-ul-Fitr -17 Dollars Per Person

$17 per person

Ramadan Iftar Sponsorship

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Fundraiser - Help Us Pay Off Masjid Loan

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IQRA And Hifz Tuition

empty text

Box Of Dates - Large-

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Small Box Of Dates

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Secure Donation

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First payment *
Please note: You will incur a $1 charge if the recurring start date is not current date in order to verify the payment details provided. This charge will not be credited back to your account and you will receive a test transaction receipt for this amount.

Preview Page

Pinned Categories
3 Total
Masjid Donation

empty text


empty text

Fundraiser- Masjid Expenses

empty text

All Categories
6 Total
Zakat-ul-Fitr -17 Dollars Per Person

$17 per person

Ramadan Iftar Sponsorship

empty text

Fundraiser - Help Us Pay Off Masjid Loan

empty text

IQRA And Hifz Tuition

empty text

Box Of Dates - Large-

empty text

Small Box Of Dates

empty text