6655 E 34th ST N, Wichita, Kansas 67226, USA
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I hereby, apply to become a member of the Islamic Society of Wichita and I pledge to support its programs and services and abide by its rules, regulations by-laws and constitution. I understand that the constitution, rules, and regulations may be amended and revised as provided in the by-laws. All my family members and I listed on this application do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless ISW, and its officers, directors, managers, employees, and other agents against any claim, liability, loss, damage or expense of any nature whatsoever.
Any Muslim who wishes to become a member of ISW must meet the following requirements:
ISW membership committee has the right to make the final decision in applying the above criteria. Membership shall be nontransferable and non-assignable. Membership may be revoked if a member has disregarded the provisions of this constitution or Islamic values. Such proceeding may be initiated on a written request by five or more members of the Society's general members and decided upon by the Membership Committee. I understand that ISW reserves the right to decline this application, revoke the membership or ask for more information.
Membership Start Date:
Membership End Date:
Membership Join Date: 02/18/2025
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