Neighbor to Neighbor
In March 2020 our religious, civic and social service organizations from across greater Chicago came together to form a collaborative initiative, called the CIOGC Joint Task Force. This task force consists of members of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, local and national relief agencies, associations of medical and dental professionals, and local community service groups who provide professional services and direct assistance to our neighbors.
The Task Force coordinates tele-health consultations, access to medical, mental health and dental care, food distribution to needy families, emergency monetary assistance, and personal assistance for those seeking to complete a claim for unemployment benefits. Anyone can access these services by calling our Helpline (847) 737-1785. The helpline is staffed by professionals and volunteers, sand the services offered are free.
We are hosting webinars as a part of our information campaign to cover relevant topics, like the CARES Act, which focused on stimulus funding for nonprofits and small businesses, Skills to Pay Bills, which discussed how to file unemployment claims and how to enhance job skills through government funded programs, and E Learning, which demonstrated how to use available technology to stream classroom instruction into students’ homes.
These initiatives are reaching segments of the Greater Chicago community that are often underserved: the uninsured, the unemployed, and the undocumented.