391 S. Lexington Dr. Ste 120, Folsom, California 95630, USA
Please update your profile by adding spouse and children information in your member portal Note - A proof of residence and ID may be requested to verify the above details. Examples of this: Driver license card, SMUD/PGE utility bills, etc
I, the undersigned declare that I have read the conditions of the membership criteria as stated below per the MCF by-laws: Types of MCF Membership: Associate Member: Applicants meeting the requirements in Sections 3 through 6 shall be eligible for Associate Membership. Associate members are welcome to participate in all programs, serve on Functional Committees and attend meetings but are not eligible to vote or hold office. General Member: Applicants meeting the requirements in Sections 3 through 7 shall be eligible for General Membership. In addition to all the rights of associate membership, General Members are also eligible to vote or hold office in MCF. Section 3. An applicant or a renewing member shall testify in the basic beliefs of the Islamic faith. Specifically: 1. Belief in Allah (SWT); 2. Belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as the last of the prophets; 3. Belief in the Books of Allah (SWT); 4. Belief in the Angels; 5. Belief in the Day of Judgment; 6. Belief in Qadaa and Qadr (Divine Will and Predestination) July 14, 2011 MCF Bylaws Page 4 of 26 Section 4. A person belonging to a group which has deviated from the specified Islamic beliefs such as Qadianis, Druze, and Bahais shall not be members of MCF. Section 5. A member must be at least 16 years old. Section 6. A member must be a resident of the City of Folsom or any one of its neighboring cities or unincorporated areas in the Tri-County area (Sacramento, Placer and El Dorado counties) and must regularly attend MCF activities. Each application will need to be approved by the Membership Committee before membership is granted. Section 7. To be eligible to vote and run for office, in addition to the above requirements, one should also belong to the Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah school of thought and believe in Prophet Muhammad(S) to be the last Prophet, and hold his family, the 4 Rightly-Guided Caliphs and all the Companions, in high regard.
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Membership End Date:
Membership Join Date: 03/31/2025
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