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Islamic Center of Virginia

Your generosity makes a huge impact. All donations are tax deductible.

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Category Description
Zakat Ul Mal Zakat is an Islamic finance term referring to the obligation that an individual has to donate a certain proportion of wealth each year to charitable causes.
Sadaqah Sadaqah or Sadqah is "voluntary charity", the word means voluntary offering, whose amount is at the will of the "benefactor"
Center Maintenance Center Maintenance
Masjid Extension Masjid Extension
Burial And Funeral Services Burial and Funeral Services
Weekend School WeekEnd Islamic School
Youth Group Youth Group
Family Events Family Night Donation
Quran Competition-2025 Quran Competition-2025
Zakat Ul Fitr Zakat al-Fitr is an obligatory form of alms-giving required of every able Muslim at the end of Ramadan. The purpose of Zakat al-Fitr is to enable poor people to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the festival to break the fast of Ramadan.
Iftar Sponsorships - Ramadan 2025 Iftar Sponsorships - Ramadan 2025
Membership Renewal Membership Renewal
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Please note: You will incur a $1 charge if the recurring start date is not current date in order to verify the payment details provided. This charge will not be credited back to your account and you will receive a test transaction receipt for this amount.

You're donating to
Secure Donation

Islamic Center of Virginia

Your generosity makes a huge impact. All donations are tax deductible.

Category *
Category Description
Zakat Ul Mal Zakat is an Islamic finance term referring to the obligation that an individual has to donate a certain proportion of wealth each year to charitable causes.
Sadaqah Sadaqah or Sadqah is "voluntary charity", the word means voluntary offering, whose amount is at the will of the "benefactor"
Center Maintenance Center Maintenance
Masjid Extension Masjid Extension
Burial And Funeral Services Burial and Funeral Services
Weekend School WeekEnd Islamic School
Youth Group Youth Group
Family Events Family Night Donation
Quran Competition-2025 Quran Competition-2025
Zakat Ul Fitr Zakat al-Fitr is an obligatory form of alms-giving required of every able Muslim at the end of Ramadan. The purpose of Zakat al-Fitr is to enable poor people to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the festival to break the fast of Ramadan.
Iftar Sponsorships - Ramadan 2025 Iftar Sponsorships - Ramadan 2025
Membership Renewal Membership Renewal
Select Frequency

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