• Standard

Prayer Timings


  • Fajar
    06:30 AM
  • Duhar
    01:15 PM
  • Asr
    05:00 PM
  • Maghrib
    After 5 mins
  • Isha
    08:45 PM
  • Friday Khutba
    01:00 PM
    Imaam Azzeddine
  • Friday Prayer
    01:30 PM


Islam is caring, sharing, giving, respecting, helping, saying and doing what's right for the sake of Allah. It's a way of life. 

Our Mission and Vision: 

  • To promote the Islamic teachings based on Quran and Sunnah. -
  • To arrange activities within the sanctions of Quran and Sunnah that benefits the Muslim community as well as the non Muslims.
  • To strengthen fraternal bond among Muslims living in the greater Mid-Hudson Valley of New York state and adjoining areas.
  • To make Islam better understood by non-Muslims. This includes collaboration with non- Muslim religious groups and/or organizations solely to assist in better understanding of Islam.


Feature One

Feature Two

Feature Three


We strive to accommodate our community and congregants for their religious and social obligations and needs. 

Our Services
Nikah/Wedding Ceremony

Nikah Fee: $500.00

Janazah Prayer

Quran/Islamic Studies Classes



Program Title Program Start Date Program End Date Program Start Time Program End Time Program Fee Registration Allowed Registration Start Date Registration End Date

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Get in touch with us

Send us an email or visit us at:

Middletown Islamic Center Inc
169 Ryerson Rd, 169 Ryerson Rd, New Hampton, New York 10958, USA

Phone: (845) 421-7702
E-mail: info@micny.org