Masjid Bilal Ypsilanti

Masjid Bilal Ypsilanti

Masjid Bilal Ypsilanti Phase 2: Parking Lot Construction

Organized By:Masjid Bilal Ypsilanti


58% of $750,000 goal


$433,210 of $750,000

Our Community Our Masjid

Construction Updates


The Masjid Bilal Ypsilanti new parking construction is already 50% complete; alhumdulilah with a projected completion date within the next 3 months. 



Project Timeline


In Quran Alkareem, Allah Almighty says masjids belong to Allah


 وَأَنَّ الْمَسَاجِدَ لِلَّهِ 


It is stated in a blessed Hadith of Sahih Muslim that Masjids are the most beloved places to Allah Almighty 


 أَحَبُّ البلاد إلى الله مساجدُها


When we donate to build a masjid, we earn a house in Jannah. It is stated in many ahadith with different wordings that the one who constructs a masjid deserves a house in Jannah. Reported in Sahih Muslim that the one who builds a Masjid for the pleasure of Allah Almighty; Allah Almighty would build a house for him in paradise:


من بنی مسجدا للہ تعالی بنی اللہ لہ بیتا فی الجنة


There are few deeds whose reward reaches a person even after his demise. Masjid construction is one of such deed whose reward a person receives after their death.

We owe it to ourselves to get this parking lot built for the safety and sanity of our community. 


Allah (SWT) says those who strive, who give, who contribute, and who make an investment in the community. These people are more special than those who just spectate, WHY? because they make a conscious effort to be involved in the growth and stability of the community, the masjid, their fellow brothers and sisters, their elders, and their children, they carry the entire community with them until we get to that next level. 


Now is the time to make that investment, Bismillah. 



Masjid Bilal



Contact Info: 

(734) 489-1669


Tax Exempt: 38-3224731 {*All donations made to Masjid Bilal and this project are fully tax deductible}


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