Islamic Center of Kansas

Islamic Center of Kansas

14750 W 143rd St, Olathe, Kansas 66062, USA


Youth Academy 2024-2025


Events Fee:

One Time:   $90.00

Monthly:     $30.00 (Number of Months: 3)

1 Parent's Information

2 Add Students

3 Payment

Promotional Price Applied

Since you purchased free Ticket No Payment Required.

Payment Summary

Events Fee
Total Registrants

Total Cost

About the Program:

Purpose: Nurture the proud Muslim-American journey of our future leaders

At ICK-YA, our primary goal is to provide a supportive and enriching environment for young Muslims between ages 13 and 18 years. This program is built on the idea that we need to invest in our youth to provide a brighter future of morally upright and culturally-aware Muslims. It aims to help our youth forge meaningful friendships, grow as like-minded individuals who want more for themselves, and most importantly, pursue the pleasure of Allah in this life and the next. In this program students gain essential life skills, foster spiritual growth, and get empowered to become confident, responsible, and engaged Muslims.

Program Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum:
    • Our carefully designed curriculum integrates various Islamic modules and contemporary topics
  • Engaging Activities:
    • We will offer a range of interactive activities, workshops, and discussion to captivate and inspire the students. These activities will be both educational and enjoyable, ensuring an enriching experience for all involved
  • Mentoring and Support:
    • We believe in the power of positive role models. Trained mentors and Team Leaders will provide guidance, support, and encouragement to the students, fostering personal connections and facilitating their spiritual and personal growth
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: 
    • We intend to collaborate with local Muslim youth groups and community organizations provide diverse opportunities, resources, and expertise to the youth in our program

If you have any questions, please email

Terms & Conditions

Every parent and student must follow the ICK's policies as stated in the ICK Masjid. Beyond that, please make sure you and your children abide by these policies: Students must follow the current COVID Protocols set by ICK. Protocols may change and as they do, we will communicate the changes with the parents and students. 


  • By registering, you are agreeing to sign up for auto pay for the duration of the program
  • $40/month for each student - Auto payment required
  • Any fees already paid to ICK are non-refundable
  • No concessions will be given for missed classes, trips, etc. You are signing up for the entire academic year and will be responsible to pay for the entire year
  • Cancellation requires a written request to
  • Safety/Pickup/Dropoff: Do not be late dropping or picking up students: all students should be dropped by 1:30pm so they can pray Duhr and picked up by 4 PM. Parents are encouraged to attend the Salahs with their children

Dress Code:  Please dress the kids appropriately. We are an Islamic Center and the students will be praying with us. Please make sure your children abide by the dress code below: 

  • Boys should wear long pants. Shorts are not acceptable
  • Girls should wear loose clothing with an Islamic headscarf
  • Torn clothing is not acceptable
  • Attire of any kind with inappropriate messages, slogans, or symbols is not acceptable
  • Visible undergarments are not acceptable

Student Behavior: All students should obey the rules set by ICK Youth Academy and ICK Management. All students are required to behave in class such that teaching and learning is accomplished in the most efficient manner. Constant or prolonged disruptive behavior can result in: 

  • Students being asked to leave the classroom
  • Parents being asked to pick up the student from the school
  • Greater than two incidences will result in a conference between the Principal and the student's parents
  • Greater than 3 incidents and the student may be expelled from the school

Any form of Physical or verbal aggression will not be tolerated: 

  • Behavior injurious to the physical well-being of others such as inflicting or encouraging others to inflict bodily harm on another person
  • Inflicting verbal (oral or written), comments of a sexual or racial nature that hurt an individual or group of individuals
  • Threatening physical harm, bullying or harassing others
  • Using any form of discrimination

Parents will be responsible for any damage caused to ICK property by their student and shall be required to pay the cost of such damage. 

Medical Event: Parent(s) understands that they will be notified once in case of an accident or illness to their child, and Parent(s) will make arrangements for medical care of their child with the physician or hospital of their choice. Parent(s) are expected to arrive at The Islamic Center of Kansas (ICK) within 15 min of the call. If the Parent(s) cannot be reached to make necessary arrangements, or in a critical emergency or life-threatening incident requiring medical care, Parent(s) authorize ICK, as represented by a staff member, to call 911 (expenses to be covered by Parent(s)) for any medical or surgical treatment that might be necessary to treat an accident that has occurred on ICK’s premises at any time. 

Electronics and Toys Use: Students are allowed to bring their phones, tablets, laptops, etc. to the program. The use of such items is prohibited during program hours unless instructed otherwise. 

ICK Pictures and Videos Use Policy:

We take many pictures and  videos of our activities, events, classes, etc to record, advertise, promote and update our community. We shall post these pictures or videos across various platforms like email, our website, and various social media platforms. We will not knowingly publish anything that would embarrass, or hurt anyone in pictures or videos.

Agreement: I hereby grant Islamic Center of Kansas Inc (ICK) (the organization) permission to use mine, or my family members (spouse or children whom I am a legal guardian of) likeness in photographs, video recordings or electronic images in any and all of its publications, including but not limited to, websites, social media platforms, etc. without payment or any other considerations. I understand and agree that these materials will become the property of the organization and will not be returned. I hereby irrevocably authorize the organization to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute these images for purposes of publicizing the organization's programs or for any other lawful purpose. In addition, I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image. I hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge the organization from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.

ICK General Release of Liability

Agreement: As the parent/legal guardian of the minor(s) listed above, I hereby grant permission for the student(s) to participate in the activities of the Islamic Center of Kansas’ Weekend Academy, Quran School, Youth Academy, Summer camp or any other programs. I assume full responsibility for any injuries or damages which may occur to these student(s), in, on, or about the premises of Islamic Center of Kansas, or arising out of its activities, whether occurring on the premises of the center or at any other location, and do hereby fully release, indemnify, discharge and hold harmless the Islamic Center of Kansas, its Trustees, and all associated with it, including teachers, administrators, and volunteers, from any and all claims, responsibilities, liabilities, legal actions or suits, damages or losses of any kind or description, both at law or in equity, arising out of, or in any way connected with, any of the above-mentioned acts and activities.