• Masjid Events

Prayer Timings


  • Fajr
    After 15 mins
  • Duhar
    01:30 PM
  • Asr
    06:00 PM
  • Maghrib
    After 5 mins
  • Isha
    09:10 PM
  • 1st Prayer
    01:05 PM
    Khateeb One
  • Iqamah 1
    01:30 PM
  • 2nd Prayer
    02:05 PM
    Khateeb two
  • Iqamah 2
    02:30 PM



Muslim Association of Bolingbrook

Masjid Al-Islam on 560 E. N. Frontage Road, and the recently purchased New Masjid Community Center at 351 Veterans Parkway, are both managed by the Muslim Association of Bolingbrook, a non-profit religious organization incorporated in the State of Illinois in the early 90's.
This Association was started with a goal to serve the Muslims in Bolingbrook and its surrounding communities by establishing a center to provide Islamic Education and activities to strengthen the community religiously and socially based on the noble principles of Islam. A component of the objective was also to increase the awareness of Islam in the society through Da'wah. 
Masjid Al-Islam is managed by Muslim Association of Bolingbrook, a non profit religious organization incorporated in the State of Illinois in the year 1990.
This Association was started with a goal to serve the Muslims in Bolingbrook and its surrounding communities by establishing a Masjid as a center to provide Islamic Education and activities to strengthen the community religiously and socially based on the noble principles of Islam. A component of the objective was also to increase the awareness of Islam in the society through Dawah.
Over the years the Muslim Community in Bolingbrook and the surrounding suburbs experienced exponential growth. In order to accommodate this increase in congregation, enrollment in Weekend Islamic School, and to support other religious activities, the renovation and expansion of Masjid Al-Islam became necessary which Alhamdulillah started in the month of June, 2006 and was completed in September, 2007. This however still left the Friday Jummah Salaah setup unresolved and we were not able to move this into the Masjid.
Several years later in September, 2013, as the challenges for this exponential growth continues, the accommodation of 500+ Jummah Salaah attendees is becoming a critical issue at the Annerino Park District, along with regular Musallees who attend daily prayers with only 20 parking spots in the Masjid parking lot which far from being sufficient, and there is no more room to expand the Masjid or extend the parking lot. For this reason we are trying to secure the opportunity that has become available as noted on our website, and we need your help in form of generous support and most importantly your dua's to insha'Allah make this our MAB Center, which will be an added necessity to the current Masjid to facilitate and move past the current challenges in place.

We know ummah need.

Feature One

Ego autem quem timeam lectorem, cum ad te ne Graecis quidem cedentem in philosophia audeam scribere? quamquam a te ipso id quidem facio provocatus gratissimo.

Feature Two

Ego autem quem timeam lectorem, cum ad te ne Graecis quidem cedentem in philosophia audeam scribere? quamquam a te ipso id quidem facio provocatus gratissimo.

Feature Three

Ego autem quem timeam lectorem, cum ad te ne Graecis quidem cedentem in philosophia audeam scribere? quamquam a te ipso id quidem facio provocatus gratissimo.



Ego autem quem timeam lectorem, cum ad te ne Graecis quidem cedentem in philosophia audeam scribere?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Our Services
Service One

Ego autem quem timeam lectorem, cum ad te ne Graecis quidem cedentem

Service Two

Ego autem quem timeam lectorem, cum ad te ne Graecis quidem cedentem

Service Three

Ego autem quem timeam lectorem, cum ad te ne Graecis quidem cedentem



Program Title Program Start Date Program End Date Program Start Time Program End Time Program Fee Registration Allowed Registration Start Date Registration End Date
Girls Pathfinders & Truth Seekers - Culture Showcase 01/31/2025 01/31/2025 6:00 PM 8:15 PM $0.00 Yes 01/20/2025 01/31/2025
Boys Truth Seekers - The Struggles of Calling to Allah 01/25/2025 01/25/2025 4:00 PM 6:30 PM $0.00 Yes 01/06/2025 01/25/2025

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Get in touch with us

Send us an email or visit us at:

Muslim Association of Bolingbrook
560 E. North Frontage Rd, Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440, USA

Phone: (630) 759-7351
E-mail: treasurer@bolingbrookmasjid.com