Masjid  Al Madinah

Masjid Al Madinah

Ramadan 2022

Organized By:Al Madinah Masjid


0% of $40,000 goal


0Recurring Contributors

$102 of $40,000

Ramadan 2022

Fundraising for Al Madinah Masjid! 

Assalaamu 'Alaykum, Insha’Allah, I pray Allah (SWT) allows us to end Ramadan in the best of health, iman, and safety. To support your masjid more this Ramadan, we've launched a campaign accessible to you 24/7. You can donate at any time! Salaam!


Almadinnah masjid / The Islamic League of Georgia completed Phase-I and Phase-II with your generous donations. Our Phase III will be for the facility to be improved with the vision to accommodate a few upcoming projects and programs for the benefit of our community. 


Ramadan is a great time to invest to reap and start those rewards in multiples from Allah. Our students and musallees need a full-fledged Learning center to accommodate these educational activities. Our building needs renovation, and our Learning Center needs to be ready for our entire community. We greatly appreciate your support and generous donation towards establishing this building dedicated to the teaching and propagation of Islam.


“The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah (God) is that of a grain of corn; it grows seven leaves, and each leaf has one hundred grains. Allah gives many-fold increases to whomever He pleases, and Allah cares for all, and He knows all things.” (Quran: 2:261)


May Allah guide us to continue to be involved in this Sadaqa-e-Jariya (continuous charity), participate, and contribute toward this holy cause of building the Almadinnah Masjid to spread an excellent education in Islam.


Join us every night throughout this blessed night of Ramadan for Iftar and Fundraiser and Support this Noble Cause.   


Please use one of the following for your donations:

  1. Donate using the POS inside the masjid, both in the men’s area and women’s area, by selecting the Masjid building construction project
  2. Donate by writing and mailing your check to ISLAMIC LEAGUE OF GA at 1964 Wesley Chapel Rd, Decatur, GA 30035

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